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"The secret of victory like King Hezekiah(2Kings 19:14~19)"

Justin Yoon 2023. 12. 2. 08:27

231202(Sat) Relisten to the Sermon(2Kings 19:14~19)

"The secret of victory like King Hezekiah" - (Nov 26th, 2023 Lord's day English worship, Preacher: Ptr.David Lee)

I. King of South Judea, King Hezekiah

His father, King Ahaz was called "Evil King". And his mather, Abijah was called who knows accurate Gospel. Parents influences the children in Christians' life strongly because the children always see their parents and their all habits. They might think easily that their parents are the standard of the Christian's life.

South Judea encountered big problem; it was attacked by Assyria, it was S.Judea's big crisis. In our lives, whenever we encounter problems big or not, our attitudes can show how much we trust in God. In that situation, King Hezekiah won against Assyria. How could he win and what did he do? What can we learn from him?

1. We need and must analyze what real problem is.

People try humanism ways such as do hard something, but it can't be the absolute solution.

Sometimes, people choose putting devotion to something to solve. Ain't I a kind of person not to believe in his guidance and who worship idols?

Past is just past, the most important is that I am a true worshipper now or not. We must not condemn someone and their fault. Presence is the crucial because God is in only presence. Focus on now, right now.

Most of all people always encounter many problems in daily life such as financial problem, mental problem, relationship problem, physical problem and so on. Like these examples, as I have all them in my life, I must check myself first - am I a Christian who pray always or not? If yes, keep praying. If not, pray right now.

2. The secret of prayer

All of us have fundamental problems that we left God, became sinner, and became the children of Satan. We must learn and know what prayer is, how to pray to our God Father. Whenever we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, he, our God Father listens to our all prayer and help us to obey and concentrate on his word, the bible. Problems can't be the problems anymore, we will see the real glory and reality.

The only way to get know the secret of prayer, we must know who Jesus Christ is and what he had done for us, the sinners. Since the King Hezekiah obeyed and followed his leading, he finally could won the crisis, not just only Assyria.

It means, that real problem in our lives is we are not believing and following the word of God.

3. Results

King Hezekiah could overcome the crisis by the grace of God. Through the given faith, the believers, the Christians can finally victory the problems by what Christ Jesus had done for us at the cross. He helps us to pray to our God, to know the essence of the word of God. To know the spiritual secret and to win and to know the secret of prayer? Rely on Jesus Christ, trust in Jesus Christ, run to Jesus Christ. That is the only way to victory. Preach Christ to myself!

Honestly, I want every moment that doesn't need to pray deadly. It's because of that I still don't know how great our God is, how wise he is, how mindful he is, and how trustworthy he is.

Not perhaps, surely I can realize and acknowledge that I am not only "a" weak person who can't do anything, sinner, but also "the" weak person who badly needs thy grace and thy atonements by death of the Christ Jesus whenever I try to relisten to the word of God;sermon again.

But it's still okay, thanks for the death of the eternal death in the death of the Christ, I got the justification, I became a righteousness person like him.

#Relisten #Sermon #Gospel #Prayer #Knowledge #2Kings #dailylife #thoughts #TGSMC #Pray
